This week in Wimba, out class was oriented to specific protocols and due dates. I am grateful for the heads-up on the upcoming assignments as well as the suggested timeline for discussion posts. What I’ve gathered from the Wimba session is that every assignment “counts” with the Literature Review and Cap Stone Site being major percentages of the course grade.
Since the Literature Review is due this week, the session provided valuable information on the “changed” naming convention and its format (particularly removing the indentions). I am also grateful to have learned that discussion posts can be used for our blog assignments.
The AR Abstract tips for how to whittle my CBR project into 120 words was also important to know. It was interesting to learn that MAC was initially sandwiched between GSM and LMO. It was a wise decision to transition it toward the end of the year accommodate the rigor of finalizing our presentations.
The one concept that I was confused about were the readings. Originally, I posted a reflection on chapters 1-3 of The Art of Possibility. Going back to the Week 1 assignments link and speaking to a classmate clarified that issue.
welcome to month 11!